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Durata: 89 min

Genere: Thriller, Crime

Lingua: Inglese

Regia: Fritz Lang

Con: Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame, Lee Marvin, Jeanette Nolan, Alexander Scourby, Jocelyn Brando, Peter Whitney, Willis Bouchey, Rob...

A suicide among the police ranks shakes the department. The case seems soon solved, but Sergeant Dave Bannion, not convinced, wants to investigate to the end.

89 min

Genere: Thriller, Crime

Lingua: Inglese

Regia: Fritz Lang

Con: Glenn Ford, Gloria Grahame, Lee Marvin, Jeanette Nolan, Alexander Scourby, Jo...

A suicide among the police ranks shakes the department. The case seems soon solved, but Sergeant Dave Bannion, not convinced, wants to investigate to the end.
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